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Natasha Ozybko

Principal Advisor

Having spent more than a decade working in Infrastructure, Natasha knows first-hand what

it’s like to be one of the only women in a meeting or on a job site. Women do better when they

see other women in leadership roles and Natasha has made it her mission to increase female representation in historically male-dominated industries. 

A Founding Member and President of the national non-profit Women of Asphalt, Natasha

was recognized in 2021 by Construction Dive as a Construction Champion for her contributions

to making the industry a more diverse, productive, and welcoming place for all. A sought-after public speaker, Natasha is know for her ability to motivate others and challenge conventional thinking. She has spent years traveling across the country talking with women and learning

about their experiences working in “non-traditional” roles as well as consulting with C-suite executives as they rethink their recruiting processes. She's developed a clear understanding of

what employers are doing right when it comes to attracting more women to these roles, and

what organizations can improve upon to support their female staff (many of whom are working

mothers) and increase female representation and retention.

In 2021 Natasha co-founded MOXY: The Voice of Women in Infrastructure. An online

publication, MOXY is the first publisher to curate multilingual (English, Spanish, and French)

content at this scale, empowering all women to have a bigger role in industries that

offer rewarding, well-paying careers. 


A 5x Ironman triathlete, Natasha earned her Executive MBA from

the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. 

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